
Age-Friendly Minnesota logo


Over three dynamic days, more than 850 people came together for this unique opportunity to advance a Minnesota for all ages. From virtual sessions covering trends and innovations to networking with allies in seven regions across Minnesota, we bring our collective wisdom to help build a multisector blueprint. Scroll down for recordings of key sessions and to share your thoughts.


A blue circle with the icon of a hand with a green heart in the center. The words Age-Friendly Minnesota encircle the icon

Applications for continuing education of conference sessions have not been made to any licensing boards. Attendees can use this Certificate of Attendance to self-submit as appropriate. 


Take 60-seconds right now to share some feedback about your conference experience.


Share your feedback before October 28 to help inform efforts in crafting a plan to build an Age-Friendly Minnesota.


Vote now to help us name Minnesota's multi-sector plan on aging.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2023


9:00-10:30      Welcome Session

The Future of Wellbeing in Minnesota - Across All Ages

powered by FutureiQ, Inc.

Watch the full session or advance to the keynote at 19:00 min.

A photo of an older white man with a white shirt and black suit jacket


Future iQ, Inc.

What are the macro trends impacting wellbeing and livability in our communities for all ages? Join us to explore these trends and their potential impacts. Learn how some Minnesota communities are dealing with these trends and how they are looking to the future and planning for wellbeing and livability looking out over the next 20 years.

10:30-10:45     Break

10:45-11:45     Concurrent Sessions

Where Ageism, Racism and Other Systemic Inequalities Intersect


All Elders United for Justice

A photograph of a red stoplight

While ageism impacts all races and demographic groups, the harmful effects of ageism, or any type of injustice, are intensified when other systemic injustices such as racism and sexism are present.

This presentation provides an understanding of how the confluence of diverse injustices rapidly intensifies their effects by enabling a vicious cycle of disparate harm.

This understanding then highlights the importance of continued vigilance as we advocate for justice and equity for seniors and for all.


JONATHAN ROSE, Executive Director, All Elders United for Justice


All are welcome

Slide Deck Criminal Expungement

A Roadmap for Developing a Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness


Central Minnesota Council on Aging

A photograph of a car navigation map

Sharing how we established a local Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness with organizations from the greater St. Cloud area, this session will provide the instruments used to establish the coalition and solicit participation from the community. Designed as a workshop for those who would like to develop the tools for social integration and intergenerational engagement. A discussion of the methods for establishing baseline data and the results of our analyses. Participation by small groups interested in creating a plan for a local coalition is encouraged as time will be included for groups to discuss plans for implementation.


STEVE HOOVER, Healthy Aging Coordinator, Central Minnesota Council on Aging, FYZEEN AHMAD, Undergraduate Chair of the Aging Studies Interdisciplinary Group, University of Minnesota; Project Blue Star


Individuals interested in learning more about starting a Coalition to End Social Isolation; all are welcome

Slide Deck

Aging and Engaging: Optimizing the Contributions of Older Adults


Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging

A photo of two older women in red shirts on the beach

Let’s flip the script on aging and engaging!  Older adults' ability to engage in civic life, workforce, and meaningful opportunities is an essential component to Age-Friendly communities.  This session will spotlight four examples of meaningful engagement: an intergenerational gardening program, an employer toolkit on “Returnships” (internships for older adults) and recruiting older adults into the workforce, optimizing Libraries as community hubs, and mobilizing advocacy efforts through the Arrowhead Changemakers Group.   Communities thrive when older adults sustain sense of purpose, stay socially engaged, exercise personal agency, maintain degrees of freedom with their lives, and most importantly, to belong in our communities.  


GEORGIA LANE, Aging Services Planner, Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging;

ALI BILDEN CAMPS, Northforce Program Manager, Northspan Group, Inc.;

JODI GREBINOSKI, Library Director, Virginia Public Library; ANN BUSSEY, Community Aging Advocate


Aging service professionals, community members, city planners, funders, elected officials, and employers

Slide Deck

11:45-12:00      Break


Economic Development: Connecting to Opportunity

powered by AARP Livable Communities

An word cloud showing Minnesota as the largest segment of participants
An advertisement by AARP Livable Communities Workshop featuring a graphic of a community main street with a movie theater

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023


9:00-10:30     General Session

  Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to Today’s Housing Crisis

                          powered by AARP Minnesota

Slide Deck Opticos Design Re-Legalizing Middle Housing

10:30-10:45     Break

10:45-11:45     Concurrent Sessions

A photograph of a young white woman with shoulder-length brown hair outside wearing a green shirt
A photograph of a young white woman with long brown hair outside wearing a blue shirt

JENNIFER SETTLE Sr. Associate, and MEGAN REINECCIUS, Associate, Opticos Design

Middle Housing types provide diverse housing options, such as duplexes, fourplexes, cottage courts, and multiplexes. These house-scale buildings fit seamlessly into existing neighborhoods and support walkability, locally-serving retail, and public transportation options. They offer solutions along a spectrum of affordability that provide a range of housing choice to communities of all size.

We'll address:

  • What is the problem and why is it important to discuss?
  • What is Missing Middle Housing? 
  • What are the important characteristics and types of MMH?
  • What are the key barriers to Missing Middle Housing?

Engaging Diverse Communities Through Culturally Responsive Outreach and Capacity Building



A photo of a black woman and woman with long brown hair talking at a table

This session will identify strategies for successful partnerships across diverse communities. We will share examples of approaches and considerations that help build relationship with and amplify the voices of those communities.


DIANE GRAHAM-RAFF, Eldercare Development Partnership Coordinator, Trellis; and JETTA WIEDEMEIER BOWER, Volunteer and Outreach Manager, Senior Linkage Line/Trellis


Anyone interested in connecting and building relationships with others beyond their current cultural circle

Slide Deck

The Outside Possibility:

Building Health, Wellness and Connection Through Time Outdoors 


MN Leadership Council on Aging

A photo of a young woman in the woods wearing a jacket and hat, holding some tree leaves

Screens and busy lives have come to dominate our attention and decrease the time we spend outside and with others. Connecting with nature and other people across the lifespan holds a key we can use to open doors to improved health outcomes. Attend this session to imagine how to incorporate nature connections into our lives, work, and communities and learn what Age Friendly Minnesota community grantees have been doing in this area.


BREANNA WHEELER, Owner, Wheeler Consulting


Anyone with interest is welcome. Neighborhood associations, community groups, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, businesses, health care providers, senior living, assisted living, long term care providers, senior/community centers, nature centers, organizations/agencies that manage natural spaces

Slide Deck Resource List

Be Prepared, Not Scared: Planning for Disasters and Emergencies


Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging

A photograph of a young Asian woman in a paramedic uniform standing in front of a yellow ambulance

Disasters and emergencies happen in a moment's notice. Being prepared is vital to survival and recovery. This session will address how community leaders, service providers, planners, and others can inclusively plan for the needs of older adults during emergency situations. Discussions will involve best practice examples, available planning templates, and scenarios from past disasters.


JENNIFER OLSON, Emergency Operations Planning Director, Northwest Regional Development Commission; and

VAL MATTISON, Program Developer, Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging


City and county staff and elected officials, faith communities, caregivers, aging service providers, or anyone interested in making sure their community is prepared for emergencies. 

Slide Deck

Bridging the Family Care Gap


Minnesota Northstar Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program

A photo of a young white man in a white button up shirt with his arm around an older black man in a blue shirt

The heart of long-term care for older people in the U.S. is provided by unpaid family members, friends, and others. However, is this arrangement sustainable? This presentation will explore the public health implications of family caregiving for older people, the potential "family care gap," and possible solutions.


JOSEPH GAUGLER, Professor and Robert L. Kane Endowed Chair in LTC and Aging, University of Minnesota School of Public Health


Anyone interested in care for older people

11:45-12:00      Break


Economic Development: Connecting to Opportunity

powered by AARP Livable Communities

SEPTEMBER 29, 2023

a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the words Regional Exchanges

Participants were encouraged to review this handout in advance and come prepared to select a domain of interest during the Regional Exchange



This unique opportunity to gather in-person offered a chance for more than 500 Minnesotans to share insights on key questions to inform how a 10-year state plan could address the regional solutions needed to help us achieve an Age-Friendly Minnesota.

A QR Code that can be scanned for access to a survey


8:30-9:00       Registration

9:00-9:20       Welcoming Remarks and Introductions

A photo of an African American woman wearing a leopard scarf


Age-Friendly Minnesota Council

9:20-10:00      Keynote Address

The Future of Wellbeing in Minnesota - Across All Ages

A photo of a white man with a white shirt and black suit coat


Future iQ, Inc.

10:00-10:10    Break

10:10-11:00    Exchange Session 1: OUTCOMES

11:00-11:10     Break

11:10-12:00    Exchange Session 2: STRATEGIES

12:00                Adjourn and Lunch*

*Select locations include a light networking lunch


Vote now to help us name Minnesota's multi-sector plan on aging.




Passcode: M1nnesot@


Click on each Minnesota Map below to download a regional report from that meeting. 

a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the words Alexandria and a green star in the middle of the state
a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the word Chisholm and a green star in the northern part of the state
a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the words East Grand Forks and a green star in the northwest of the state
a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the word Marshall and a green star in the south west part of the state


Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging


First Lutheran Church

1655 18th Ave E.

Alexandria, MN 56308


Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging


Minnesota Discovery Center - Taconite Square

1005 Discovery Dr.

Chisholm, MN 55719


Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging


East Grand Forks City Hall

600 DeMers Ave, Room S101 East Grand Forks, MN 56721


Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging


Adult Community Center

107 South 4th Street

Marshall, MN 56258

a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the word Oronoco and a green star in the south east part of the state
a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the word and a green star in the middle of the state
a blue map of the state of Minnesota with the words St. Paul and a green star in the metro area of the state
An icon with a yellow bench


AARP Minnesota and Southeastern Minnesota Area Agency on Aging


People's' Energy Cooperative

Community Room

1775 Lake Shady Ave S, Oronoco, MN 55960


Central Minnesota Council on Aging


Resource Training & Solutions

137 23rd Street South

Sartell, MN 56377


Age-Friendly Minnesota, MN Leadership Council on Aging and MN North Star GWEP


Minnesota Humanities Center

987 Ivy Ave E

St. Paul, MN 55106

An icon of a blue truck and white car
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